Mutable Instruments Plaits Assembly

Important note: This is a guide to assembling the finish-it-yourself kit. The SMD parts, 10-pin header, and voltage regulator are already populated, and the firmware is pre-programmed. If you purchased PCBs that don’t have the SMD parts populated, please see the Mutable Github page for a bill of materials; no instructions are provided for the SMD parts.

Click here for a bill of materials with Mouser part numbers.


Place the two tact switches into the PCB as shown below, then carefully turn the project over to solder them in place.

Mutable Instruments Plaits Tact Switches
Mutable Instruments Plaits Tact Switches


First, slip the LED spacers on all of the LEDs.

Mutable Instruments LED Spacer 1
Mutable Instruments LED Spacer 1

Slide the spacer up to the LED.

Mutable Instruments Plaits LED Spacer 2
Mutable Instruments Plaits LED Spacer 2

Now place the LEDs into the PCB by aligning the flat edge of the LED with the flat edge on the PCB silkscreen.

Mutable Instruments Plaits LED placement
Mutable Instruments Plaits LED placement

Repeat this for the remainder of the LEDs. Carefully turn the project over and solder the LEDs in place. You can use the panel to make sure that the LEDs all stay in place. Clip excess leads.

Mutable Instruments Plaits LED assembly
Mutable Instruments Plaits LED assembly


Place the jacks into the PCB as shown below. Carefully turn the project over to solder in place. You can use the panel to make sure that the jacks all stay in place.

Mutable Instruments Plaits Jacks
Mutable Instruments Plaits Jacks


if your pots have a tab (like the one below), make sure to clip it before assembly.

Mutable Instruments Plaits Potentiometers
Mutable Instruments Plaits Potentiometers

Place all of the pots into the PCB as shown below.

Mutable Instruments Plaits Potentiometer Assembly
Mutable Instruments Plaits Potentiometer Assembly

Carefully turn the project over to solder in place. Again, you can use the panel to make sure that the pots all stay in place.

Mutable Instruments Pots Installed
Mutable Instruments Pots Installed

Tact Switch Caps

Tightly press the tact switch caps on to the tact switches as shown below.

Mutable Instruments Plaits Tact Switch Caps
Mutable Instruments Plaits Tact Switch Caps


Carefully place the panel over your components as shown below. Take your time to make sure the LEDs don’t bend over.

Mutable Instruments Plaits Panel Placement
Mutable Instruments Plaits Panel Placement

Now gently tighten the jack and pot nuts.

Mutable Instruments Panel  2
Mutable Instruments Panel 2


Place the knobs into the PCB as shown below. The smaller knobs correspond to the TIMBRE and MORPH controls.

Mutable Instruments Plaits Knobs 1
Mutable Instruments Plaits Knobs 1

Firmly press them down.

Mutable Instruments Plaits Knobs 2
Mutable Instruments Plaits Knobs 2

Repeat for the rest of the knobs

Mutable Instruments Plaits Knobs 3
Mutable Instruments Plaits Knobs 3

Congrats! We’ve already programmed the firmware, so you are now ready to test your build!